Thursday, August 27, 2015

autumn, chopin, and edward gorey

Again, I know I haven't posted in several months. BUT I'VE STOPPED CARING.

It's FINALLY that time of year when ALL i want to do is wear sweaters and coats and berets, watch BBC sherlock and listen to classical music. Or become an edward gorey drawing; whichever.

So I'll be starting my Sophomore year of college next week and for once I think I'll actually enjoy the classes I'll be taking: Drawing 101, Intro to Visual Culture, Feminist Reconstructions, and Chinese 2. I'm very strongly considering the art history major (don't tell my dad) but I would also like to be employed. I'm very interested in museum studies/libraries/publishing/editing/writing/design so hopefully I will be able to go into that sort of area.

But anyways, here are some pix of myself for U to enjoy of course

Also, I got a cat tattoo:

And here's what I've been listening to recently:

Tiger Phone Card // Dengue Fever

Nocturne 15 op. 55 no. 1 in F minor // Frederic Chopin

Mi Negrita // Devendra Banhart

And of course, I've been watching TWIN PEAKS:

That's all I'll write now. I'll write again soon, hopefully.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Hello again, friends, if you're there!
Enjoy this collection of selfies:

(yes, 4 selfies were necessary)
Alas, it has been too long. I've finished my first semester of college unscathed (mostly) and have been on winter break for the last month. I'm moving back into the dorms tomorrow and I can hardly believe it. College is weird, guys. It's like, totally and completely both the best and worst thing that I've ever experienced simultaneously. 
Here are some pros and cons of college:

1. You can go to tea garden whenever you want!
2. You get to have a second bedroom!!
3. You can get away from all that high school dreadfulness.

1. You actually have to study a lot. I learned this the hard way, after literally not studying at all senior year of high school.
2. You don't get to blast Bob Dylan alone in your room because you have to have a horrible roommate??! (JK I love my roommate but I feel like blasting Bob Dylan 24/7 would annoy her probably)

Last semester I took Asian Studies, Chinese, Media & Cultural Studies, and Creative Writing (ugh). This semester I am taking Calculus, Chinese, Geology and Art History (omg).  I'm very very very excited but totally freaking out. I'm also planning on taking violin lessons and doing orchestra again, AND, BIG NEWS: I totally got a part time job at a shoe store. Well, it's not official yet, but I got an interview this morning and it went VERY WELL. Part time jobs are nice in college because money.

It is winter right now and I despise it. Why do I live in possibly the 2nd coldest state after Alaska??? Every year I feel like I waste 5 months of the year complaining about the cold weather and wishing it were warm. Here is a playlist I made that has been helping me transport myself to a different time and place:


(all pix from tumblr!!!)

Love, Coco

Saturday, September 13, 2014


This summer I had the most incredible experience of seeing Sir Paul McCartney of the Beatles, LIVE IN CONCERT!!!

Me in my supah cool homemade Paul t-shirt that I made for the concert!!

(a couple pix of my fave!!!! all found on the internet)

So Paul and his amazing band came to Minneapolis and my mom and I totally scored and got some really nice field tickets!!! We were so close to him, it was surreal. He played SO MANY Beatles songs and a ton of Wings songs and I knew almost all of them and it was amazing and I cried. He did a tribute to both John and George and it was very sweet and sad and then during Live and Let Die there were HUGE EXPLOSIONS and fireworks and confetti and it was literally so cool and brilliant and UGGGHHHHHH even though it was over 3 hours of concert and over 80 degrees outside he didn't even stop to take a sip of water!!! And he played the piano and his original bass and his guitar and I could have gone on for another 3 hours.. and another!!!!!!!!! People say that aging rockstars aren't as talented as they used to be but this man has such a strong voice and he can rock so hard and literally. It was like seeing Jesus or something.

Here's what the setlist was:

As you can see, he played all of the best songs in the world and basically it was the best night of my entire life. Of course I'm devastated that John and George are dead, but I'm glad that Paul is still keeping the Beatles flame alive. And the Wings, for that matter. LONG LIVE SIR PAUL!!!!!


Hello Again

Hey, friends, if you're still there. I'm still alive! I'm pretty sure it has been over a year since I've blogged on here, but I recently got very inspired and want to continue journaling about my life on the world wide web.
I made it to college. I am officially a Macalester Scot and live in a teeny dorm room with a dripping sink and horrific carpeting. But, I've managed to make it look somewhat cozy, I think:

I love my lil corner. My roommate and I get a long pretty well, although it has been an adjustment to not having my nice big bedroom and a bathroom to myself. (I HATE COMMUNAL BATHROOMS THEY ARE LITERALLY THE WORST PART ABOUT COLLEGE OMG)
But anyway, I'm two weeks in and I think I'm doin pretty well. I haven't made a lot of friends but I am joining a literary and arts magazine club and a Scrabble club, which I hope will allow me to meet more people who are like me.
While I'm pretty close to home, I'm still really homesick. I guess I'm just so attached to my family and my house (which we're moving out of, by the way) that seeing them once a week is still kind of not enough. Whatever, I'll get over it.
Here's something that I've been watchin lately that has made me very happy:
I'm nostalgic for a time and place in which I do not live. It's already cold here and it's only September and I miss the warm summer days where I didn't feel like I had to socialize with people that I didn't know. I don't know if any of this is making sense but I had to get it out there.
I'll leave you with some pictures of things/people that cheer me up a lil bit.
I hope that everyone has been havin a great school year!!!!!

(ALL images are from TUMBLR and aren't mine lol)

follow me @

Sunday, September 22, 2013


skirt: thrift, shirt: h&m

HEY GUYS!!! I'm back. Oh my god. I started watching BBC SHERLOCK. IT IS LITERALLY THE BEST SHOW I'VE EVER SEEN. I've only watched 4 of the 6 episodes but I was hooked by the first. I am so in love with it. Benedict Cumberbatch is a god. Johnlock is REAL. I was skeptical of the show at first because I thought it was lame for some reason but oh boy was I WRONG. If you haven't watched it, go watch it right now. it's LIFE-CHANGING.

so yeah. this weekend was super dumb because I had to go to Madison with my family and celebrate my brother's 20th birthday (which I guess was kind of fun) but the weather here was just so perfect and fall-like and wonderful. oh my gosh, I love autumn and the leaves have started to change and the air is getting cooler and I know I've been saying that for a while but it's so true.
lately I've been indulging in all things BRITISH (fueled by my obsession with BBC television) and have been drinking lots of tea and wearing oxfords because I'm super lame and have nothing intelligent to do with my time.

I've also been eating a lot a lot a LOT of sugary buttery food which is awesome because it makes me happy, but I've also been feeling kind of physically gross so I think I'm going to start watching what I eat a little more. 

I'm currently reading the Mysterious Benedict Society which is a fabulous book and just makes me so happy. read it if you like Harry Potter!

and finally I've been needing to write loads and loads of essays for college applications and writing class (and one report for biology on a book that I never read...we'll see how that goes; it's due on thursday!) and honestly writing about myself is very difficult. I just don't understand my personality and I need to work on forming stronger opinions on things I guess?? Like I have certain values but when it comes to some things I just don't have an opinion either way. ugh I don't know. I'm weird.

anyways, I hope you guys are having an awesome September!! autumn is one of the best seasons once you get past the school part, so I'm going to try and enjoy it as much as possible before winter comes. ugh.

I'll leave you with a song that I really love, Blinding by Florence and the Machine:

love you! have some ~~~~INSPIRATION~~~~

(these are all from tumblr!!!!!!!!! peace out!!!!!)